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The so-called TMA method follows the realization that every human being is capable and ready for peak performance under certain conditions.


The TMA Talent Analysis makes talents or competencies visible and determines the emotional balance as well as the motivation of people.

With the insights gained, the further training focus points for strengthening the talents are determined.


What is TMA?


TMA is the recognition of a person's individual talents and potentials as well as how to decode behavioral and communication patterns.

This makes it possible to develop people (whether employees in companies or coaching clients) in a targeted manner and to equip teams with high impact; it sharpens the view of one's own strengths and weaknesses and helps to resolve existing or impending conflicts.


TMA, the Talent and Motivation Analysis, is an established psychological model that identifies people's talents in the form of driving forces (so-called psychological needs). TMA was developed over 20 years ago by experienced psychologists and has since been working with state-of-the-art methods to help people develop their talents.

In this way, TMA helps people to recognize their own driving forces and talents and thus to become even better at everything they do. TMA is based on the psychological principles of Positive Psychology*). TMA does not judge or evaluate. TMA helps to find the ideal conditions for successful work and further development.


With TMA there is no right or wrong. No good or bad. It talks about talents and driving forces that people bring with them in order to be able to perform certain tasks easily and successfully. And about how to develop and become even better without much effort.


This is TMA.


*) The term Positive Psychology was introduced in 1954 by the US psychologist Abraham Maslow. It is based on the knowledge that people's behavior, especially their drive and joy of creation, can be influenced and increased by positive incentives.

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My first contact with TMA was more than 10 years ago during my personal analysis and since then I have been convinced of the method and the successes achieved through TMA analyses.

As a certified TMA expert, you can contact me for more information, a detailed brochure on the TMA method, interest in your own TMA analysis or an analysis for your employees at any time at or via the contact form.

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